I made the boat plans in qcad last weekend.
Here is a pic. The white line is the 4*8 piece of plywood. The grid is 1ft, and the dots at tenths of feet.

I couldn't find a plotter that could print out to 48 inches, so I am going to have to manually plot the points onto the plywood. It would cost me 16$ to print it out on two sheets of 2*8 ft. (the wood was priced at ~11$...)
I'll find a camera and post the model that I made out of index card material to make sure that it fits together. The curve on the side pieces is not drawn in, because I don't know what shape it will be. I'll use the other pieces to make the frame, then just scribe a line on the side pieces where material needs to be removed.
That actually brought up a good point. I may have to use a hand saw to do that cut, as it will be working on the boat after is it sort of put together.
The little red lines on the side pieces show where it should contact the back (or front) of the boat. The piece on the far left is in the middle to keep the sides apart and add to structural stability. I still don't know exactly what I am going to be doing with that piece.
I should label the pieces with a,b,c or something so that I can call them something other than 'the piece on the far left' or 'the side piece'.